As part of a project and program management consultancy company, I visit companies which both struggle and succeed with program management. I sometimes stand back and ask myself the question, “why”? Why does program management fail or doesn’t have a presence in this company? I do not believe company’s overall problems in program management can be attributed to specific tools or techniques or even the process of working. To me the problem stems from a culture of acceptance and need. Let me explain this. Do you or your company believe program management to be a vital part of the company’s overall performance? If the answer is YES, then you will be more successful than a company who considers it irrelevant. In other words, program management needs to be an integral part of the corporate culture.
Let’s consider some of the challenges / barriers to successful adopting of a program management culture within any company:
It must be remembered that program management is first and foremost a philosophy of management, not an elaborate set of tools and techniques, nor is it an administrative function. Rather, it is concerned with managing an organisation towards the accomplishment of whatever it has set out to do. As such, program management will only be as effective as the people and structures that are used.
Ultimately, program management represents discipline, organisation, and accountability within a multi-project environment.
Submitted by our expert Project Management tutor, Liam Dillon
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